Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How Has The Automobile Changed Society?

Seriously, can you imagine a world without cars? Yet only 100 years ago the automobile was almost non existent. We rely on them so much and everything that goes with them. By that I mean roads and highways, fuel stations, and even the employment that they offer. These things all provide employment for someone. Someone to build and maintain the roads, to operate the fuel stations and someone to build and repair all aspects of the automobile.

So just what impact did the automobile have on society 100 years ago and how does that effect us today? Back then the only way of getting around was either by train or by horse drawn wagons and horseback. Roads were pretty much just dirt tracks and communities were considerably smaller than they are today.

With the advent of the automobile these things began to change as the government poured money into building the first roads and highways, connecting towns and cities together. Suburbia began to spread out because people no longer needed to live close to there workplace. The population loved this new found freedom. Imagine what is was like to be able to travel where ever you wanted to go, whenever you wanted. Every one wanted their own motor car. Towns that once had been isolated, especially if the railroad did not pass by, were now accessible.

Without all these things our lives today would be very different. We would need to live closer to work, school and shops. If you live in a city you might think you could manage without the automobile. Think again. Sure, you might be able to walk, that's probably not a bad thing, or use the subway. Perhaps you already do that. But what about shopping?

Without the automobile (that includes buses,trucks and cars) how would stores get all there goods delivered. I'm thinking here about fresh produce. Today you can buy all kinds of produce, even when it's out of season. That would be impossible without trucks to transport it. By horse and cart it would be rotten long before it arrived. The variety of all kinds of goods that is available to us today, is largely thanks to the automobile.

If you don't live in a major city or town you wouldn't be able to rely on the subway and the good old horse would be the only way to get around. A horse can travel around 10 - 15 miles a day. How far do you need to travel to get to work etc? Where would you "park" your horse while you were at work? Ha ha, can you see the parking at your local supermarket full of horse and carts. Wonder if you'd get a parking ticket. (Sorry, I just had a mental image of that.)

When Henry Ford created his first affordable Model T, I wonder if he had any idea of what effect it would really have on society. Of course today the automobile has brought many problems. Pollution, congested highways, the reliance on a fuel source and many deaths and accidents. It's certainly not all good but what would we do without them?

Do you think the Automobile Changed History? Let me know what you think.

Image courtesy of aldenjewell

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