Thursday, July 22, 2010

Amazing Things Can Happen!

The internet can be a funny place where amazing things can sometimes happen. Imagine my suprise when one morning I was looking at my Squidoo dashboard and found that one of my lenses (that's squidoo talk for page) had over 4000 visitors literally overnight.

At first I thought it was somekind of mistake in the traffic reporting but no, it was real. I was dumbfounded. Why? Well, it seems that in the USA it was National Ice Cream Day and my page had become "the flavor of the day" so to speak. I didn't know Americans loved their ice cream so much.

So why was my lens so interesting? It's not about regular ice cream. No indeed, it's about a range of really weird icecream flavors.

It's actually incredible just what some people will eat. Check them out and let me know if you'd give them a go.

Purple Potato Icecream!! Photo by jetalone

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